Monday 14 September 2009

can't make a hoe a house wife

this is a lie, i am the best housewife

vegan cheesecake/cake rules, especially mine, dah.

Sunday 6 September 2009


i miss you so much

Tuesday 1 September 2009

still life at the penguin cafe

K so this is the only, slightly fuzzy, photographic evidence of my life as a 12/13 year old "ballerina." I definitely look older and more sophisticated than i do now, how upsetting. I thought i'd take the time to be a total faggario and reminisce things i used to love, such as the still life at the penguin cafe. Basically, it 100% rules. Its a ballet, but an awesome one. I took jimlad to see it in january, he loved it. I totally had tears in my eyes the whole time but that's besides the point, jimmy actually loved a ballet. I remember being 3 and dancing to the video on my granny's carpet. How cute. Its about endangered animals or whatever so it has a bunch of penguins, monkeys, mice, rams, "skunk fleas," and zebras dancing around to the coolest soundtrack. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT. Speaking of soundtracks i need to get my hands on the band of brothers one...anyway i'm proud to admit that still life is the coolest thing ever and it still makes me massively happy. That is all. Here is a fuzy summery of the whole thing for your enjoyment. YEAH!

Friday 7 August 2009

i got so much trouble on my minnddd

I need a skill/talent FAST. Seriously, everyone seems to be able to sing, act, dance, play a musical instrument of some sort, take photos, or what ever. So I think I'm in desperate need of a talent. But I'm not really sure where to start. I used to dance nonstop and compete all over the US, I suppose I was pretty good for my age or what ever. I'll dig out some photos of the glory days soon. But then I moved here and couldn't be bothered anymore, awesome. I think I'm finally ready to regularly attend the gym, maybe I'll develop some sort of talent from that.

I apologise for the completely random photograph of the imperial war museum. I'm totally holding valentines day roses courtesy of jimlad, how cute. I just don't like posting without a picture, it just looks nicer. That was an awesome day, i wish i had posted about that...OH WELL.

Thursday 6 August 2009

its complicated being a wizard

Portugal the man are all i want to listen to for the rest of my life. Quick life update: Jimmy and I are now happily settled into our wonderful house in brighton, please come hang the fuck out, I have an ACTUAL job interview this monday, and um, I'm poor. Finally recovering from a severe attack of low self esteem that occurred some time last week, awesome. Oh and i seriously believe my tan is already fading, that's pretty much it.

Sunday 26 July 2009

egypt 09

Shit, diving is awesome. Totally thinking of scrapping this human science bull shit and going into marine biology. But I like humans too, maybe that's what my masters will be. Anyway, egypt, at a mean of 40 degrees, was ridiculously hot. dah. But for some reason this year I was able to hack the heat and stayed outside most of the time, racking up a pretty deep tan and probably some skin cancer. AWESOME, its fine, I'm forcing jimmy to get his moles checked with me, that's love.
I think this was the year that seriously showed me how much I actually love diving. Before I think I loved it because I got to see sharks and other superrad aquatic creatures, but this time we really didn't see anything bigger than the occasional giant barracuda (above) and napoleon, sad I know. So I suppose I realised that I love diving for diving, whether I see sharks or not. We were only there for a week but went on a pretty substantial amount of dives, including a night dive, which I’d never done before. I seriously think that was one of the best dives I’ve ever done, no reef sharks on the prowl, but I saw some awesome things I’d never seen before (snakes, a large amount of eels/sting rays, crabs, lobsters, cuttlefish, etc).
I actually wasn’t looking forward to going back to the hotel we stayed in last year because the amount of things they do for you actually makes the ‘experience’ awkward. They do so much for you that I wouldn’t be surprised if they have assisted a couple of able adults in the toilets. No seriously, it gets to the point where they want to do so much for you that you’re holding back on saying fuck off I can do it myself. Having said that it totally has the best dive center, ever. Although they put my in an XL wetsuit, INSULTED. Its fine, now we’re thinking of going back in October, which would be rad, obviously.

Thursday 19 March 2009

good bye park village, hello brighton centre