Monday, 14 September 2009

can't make a hoe a house wife

this is a lie, i am the best housewife

vegan cheesecake/cake rules, especially mine, dah.

Sunday, 6 September 2009


i miss you so much

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

still life at the penguin cafe

K so this is the only, slightly fuzzy, photographic evidence of my life as a 12/13 year old "ballerina." I definitely look older and more sophisticated than i do now, how upsetting. I thought i'd take the time to be a total faggario and reminisce things i used to love, such as the still life at the penguin cafe. Basically, it 100% rules. Its a ballet, but an awesome one. I took jimlad to see it in january, he loved it. I totally had tears in my eyes the whole time but that's besides the point, jimmy actually loved a ballet. I remember being 3 and dancing to the video on my granny's carpet. How cute. Its about endangered animals or whatever so it has a bunch of penguins, monkeys, mice, rams, "skunk fleas," and zebras dancing around to the coolest soundtrack. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT. Speaking of soundtracks i need to get my hands on the band of brothers one...anyway i'm proud to admit that still life is the coolest thing ever and it still makes me massively happy. That is all. Here is a fuzy summery of the whole thing for your enjoyment. YEAH!