Sunday, 8 February 2009

30 totally awesome things about me

I have finally given in to this '25 things about me' craze, but i've decided to make it a little harder for myself and try to think of 30 things. Its the 'new year' so it can't really hurt to write a few things about yourself down. 
1. i've lived in Brighton, San Francisco, New York, and London 
2. i study human sciences at Sussex University
3. i hope to narrow it down to just neuroscience or molecular genetics 
4. i think i want to be a neuroscientist working from a psychological perspective 
5. i think scuba diving is the best thing i do 
6. i have loved whale sharks since i was 5, and filled my mask up with tears when i finally saw one in the red sea. hands down one of the best days of my life 
7. i used to be terrified (100%) when my dad pretended to be a shark in the pool, now i get disappointed when i don't see one. 
8. i'm half Australian, half Welsh, born in Brighton, but grew up in America. Identity crisis? 
9. i complain about being 'fat' while eating apple strudel covered in a ridiculous amount of ice cream, but i swear we all do that right?
10. i really, really love cats 
11. and sharks, incase you didn't get that. 
12. i don't understand how some people don't 'believe' in evolution
13. i find it so difficult to sleep when i'm alone, i just lay there worrying. apparently its a girl thing?
14. i constantly compare myself to girls, and always come out on the bottom 
15. that's probably the reason for my annoyingly low self esteem?
16. someone once tried to convince me love only existed as a concept, and humans could never actually attain it, and i believed it. what TOTAL bull shit
17. i rarely think girls are "sluts," i really, really hate that word. i think its unfair against girls. cus it is, der
18. i have the most ridiculous accent, most call it american, some call it trans-atlantic, i call it annoying
19. i only look in the mirror when i truly have to 
20. i seriously don't find any males on tv/in films attractive. i used to have a cush on Dicaprio, but i was eight. and then i had a slight thing for James Mcavoy, but only in atonement. now i have a slight thing for James Sampson, harhar i'm funny. 
21. i find a lot of females on tv attractive though, mainly the cast of the hills, oh and Kiera Knightly i think she's a total babe 
22. I generally find girls more attractive than boys, but that can normally be put down to hair and makeup 
23. i'm heterosexual  
24. i've never been to a club 
25. i've never been drunk
26. i really love learning things, but i hate doing the work 
27. i cry every time at the ending to A Little Princess, seriously 
28. i get really nervous about my future, some times i wonder if i'm doing a degree just to end up as someone's secretary 
29. drug/alcohol/meat free... 
30. i have 5 main best friends in my life, its awesome

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