Tuesday 3 February 2009

make money money, make money money monayyy

Over the past week i have managed to spend almost 200 pounds. How exactly that happened, i'm not quite sure, i just know the majority was spent on food. Seriously. The shit excuse we have for a fridge is now filled up with mainly my shit, and i've pretty much conquered the entire freezer, which isn't as ruthless as it sounds because there's another one. Jimmy and i stumbled on the world's best grocery store: Taj. If you are vegan, you would die of happiness. 8 flavours of Sheese, vegan shortbread, banana cake, and the ultimate vegetarian and vegan burritos, oh and 100% american mountain dew. How i didn't drain my entire bank account in there i don't know. In short: its awesome. I have also bought about 6 apple strudels and a lot of ice cream, i have actually substituted dinner with apple strudel. Tonight we plan on eating some asparagus, what good little children we are.

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